Did you know that we dogs often hide our pain? When our canine ancestors showed signs of weakness and vulnerability, their chances of being caught by predators increased. Unfortunately, many dogs still carry this trait, making it difficult for humans to detect and treat our pain. If you’re not sure what to do, or how to help us when we’re hurt, don’t worry; we’re here to give you some advice.
Don’t: Ignore Our Pain
Have you noticed that we’ve been unusually aggressive? Have we stopped eating? Are we refusing to walk? Different types of dog pain can cause various symptoms. That’s why ignoring our pain is a big no-no! We don’t expect you to diagnose us, and you shouldn’t, but we do ask that you pay close attention to our behaviour and monitor us for any abnormal signs and symptoms. Don’t underestimate our pain.
Do: Pay the Vet a Visit
If you notice any behavioural changes or signs of pain, take us to the veterinarian ASAP! The vet can quickly identify problems and check all our treatment options so we can get back to our regular selves. Before our appointment, note all of our symptoms including loss of appetite, shaking, or excessive licking. Be prepared to tell the vet so they can properly treat our pain. We can’t explain what hurts and how much, so we rely on you, our humans, to be our advocates.
Don’t: Self-Prescribe
When humans notice their pooch is in pain, their first instinct may be to prescribe medications they have on hand. Over-the-counter human medications can work just as well for dogs as they can for humans, right? WRONG! Please don’t ever give us human medicines without consulting a veterinarian first. Some may think that our pain doesn’t require a trip to the vet, but taking matters into your own hands can be dangerous. Remember, what may be good for humans, isn’t always safe for us.
Do: Watch for Side Effects
All medications, human and animal, have potential side effects. If a vet prescribes us a medication we’ve never taken before, keep a close eye on us for a couple of days. Some of the most common side effects include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite. If we start to show any of these symptoms, notify the vet! We may need a different prescription.
We hope this information helps you understand how you can help to keep us safe. Remember, if you have any concerns or questions about our pain, always consult a veterinarian. Communicating with our groomers is another helpful way to keep us safe. The experienced dog groomers at Uberdog are focused on our health and wellness and may be able to notice changes in our behaviour or signs of pain. To learn more about Uberdog’s spa and grooming services, please click here.